Click on any of the links below to access a recorded tutorial.
Managing and Submitting a Filing – This tutorial will review the process of completing your filing to comply with state regulations and submit it for the state to review. Messages – This tutorial will review where notifications about key activities on SERFF filings are located. PDF Pipeline – This tutorial will review user’s ability to create a single PDF file of their entire filing or selected parts of their filing. Login Help – This tutorial will review the process of logging into SERFF along with how to reset your own password. Filing Rules Tab – This tutorial will review the entire Filing Rules tab which houses each state’s rules for submitting a filing. Filings Tab – This tutorial will review the entire Filings tab and how filings are managed within SERFF. Amendment – This tutorial will review the process of creating and submitting an amendment. This should only be used when the amendment is not in response to an Objection Letter. (i.e. - the filer has decided to add a schedule item). Response Letter – This tutorial will review the process of responding to an Objection Letter the state has submitted to a filer. Post Submission Update – This tutorial will cover the ability to update fields within the filing itself. The fields are contained within the General Information, Rating Information and State Specific Field areas of the filing and the Post Submission Update process allows updates after the filing has been submitted. Filing Correspondence – This tutorial will review various pieces of correspondence within the filing including the Disposition which is the final closing action on a filing, Note to Reviewer which is external communication sent to the reviewer, Filer Note which is internal communication on a filing, and Reminders which are user defined messages. Templates and Alerts – This tutorial will review the convenience of entering Form, Rate/Rule, Supporting Documentation and Statement of Intent schedule items once and using them across multiple filings. Templates is most often used for countrywide filings, so schedules do not have to be recreated in each individual filing. The second half of the tutorial will also cover the Alerts tab which is an area for customer correspondence from the SERFF team. Create Draft Filing – This tutorial will review the ten-step filing wizard process to create one to many filings. Data Hosting – This tutorial will cover how industry users can gather more information or sign up to use NAIC to host their data within SERFF. Paper Filing – This tutorial will review entering paper filings into SERFF, making SERFF their sole repository for all filings. Please note: paper filings are only available to NAIC data hosted customers. Settings Tab – This tutorial will review all user and instance preferences are stored and maintained. URRT - URRT Tab and Filing Submission – This tutorial will cover the ability to add URRT items to the URRT tab within a filing and submit a filing with URRT items included. URRT - Responses and Amendments – This tutorial will review the process of creating and submitting Amendments and Responses when they include URRT items. Compare Attachments – This tutorial will review the process of using the Compare Attachments feature within a filing.
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