Satisfying & Bypassing Submission Requirements from the Draft View

Why Would I Do This from the Draft View?

Satisfying and Bypassing Submission Requirements from the draft view allows you to work with several filings at the same time. For instance, a third party filer may have an authorization letter that they need to submit to a number of states. They can locate and satisfy the Submission Requirement for this item for all states that have it.

How Does It Work?

Navigate to the draft view. Select two or more filings and click the Bypass/Satisfy button. SERFF will return a list of all the Submission Requirements for the selection filings. The list may be filtered using a number of criteria across the top of the page. The Requirement detail may be viewed by clicking the Requirement name.

Identify the Submission Requirements that can be satisfied or bypassed with the same attachment or text. Click the action button, Satisfy or Bypass, appropriate for these items. Select boxes will appear next to the items and the fields needed to complete the action will appear at the top. Select the items to be satisfied or bypassed, complete the action fields at the top of the page, and click the Satisfy or Bypass button to complete the action.

Can I Make Changes?

Changes to the Submission Requirements can be made in the draft view using the steps above or can be made to the filing directly.

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