Creating an Amendment

Amendments are to be used when the industry identifies a necessary change to the Form, Rate/Rule, or Supporting Documentation schedule but the state has not sent an Objection Letter. This could occur if the state is not yet aware of the required change or if the state communicated the need for a change by using a method other than an Objection Letter.

To send an Amendment, first make all the schedule item revisions and additions that are needed. Click here for more information on this process.

Once all changes have been made, start the Amendment by clicking the "Create Amendment" link on the Correspondence tab. The Amendment will open in a new window. Click the "Add Schedule Item(s)" button and select the schedule item revisions or additions ready for submission to the state. Click the "Add Item(s)" button. The schedule item changes will be displayed on the Amendment.

After ensuring all necessary changes have been made and are displayed in the Amendment, complete the Comment field. This field is required. Once the Amendment is saved, the Submit button will be available. Click "Submit" to make the Amendment available to the state.

Note that an Amendment cannot be sent without at least one schedule item revision or addition. If no schedule item changes are necessary, a Note to Reviewer is the recommended method for communicating with the state.

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